
Bachelor of Applied Science (Sport and Exercise Science)

Approved Abbreviation: BAppSc(Sp&ExSc)

Western Sydney University Course Code: 4558.3

AQF Level: 7

CRICOS Code: 058659M

Students should follow the course structure for the course version relevant to the year they commenced. This version applies to students whose commencement year in this course was 2008 or 2009.

Commencement Year 2007 - 4558.2 Bachelor of Applied Science (Sport and Exercise Science)

Commencement Year 2002 to 2006 - 4558.1 Bachelor of Applied Science (Sport and Exercise Science)

Sport and Exercise Science is a field encompassing the use of specialist knowledge and skills in sport and exercise within a wide range of settings such as community, and corporate health and fitness, government agencies associated with sport, physical activity and health, sports academics, professional sports, rehabilitation clinics and hospitals, private business in personal training and rehabilitation, and in universities and colleges with involvement in teaching and research. This course prepares graduates for the Exercise Science and Sport Science industries. Students undertake advanced studies in Exercise Physiology, Sports Physiology, Biomechanics, Exercise Prescription and Programming, Motor Control and Learning. A research methodology elective is highly recommended.

Study Mode
Three years full-time. Students may take a reduced load from time to time.

Advanced standing

Applications for advanced standing will be assessed in accordance with current University policy.

Graduates completing the Bachelor of Applied Science (Sport and Exercise Science) program will be eligible to apply for full membership of the Australia Association for Exercise and Sports Science (AAESS) and will have the knowledge skills and competences on which to build the additional professional practice requirements for specialist accreditation by ESSA in: Sports Science; Sports Physiology; and Exercise Physiology.


Students normally apply through the Universities Admission Centre (UAC).

International applicants should contact International Office for details on admission. Contact information for the International Office is available via their website.

International Office

Special Requirements Prerequisites
To undertake this course, students must comply with the following special requirements: completion of a Prohibited Persons Declaration; Criminal Record Check Clearance; Work Cover approved First Aid Certificate; Provide evidence of compliance with the occupational screening and immunisation policy of NSW Health.

Course Structure

Qualification for this award requires the successful completion of 240 credit points which include the units listed in the recommended sequence below.

Elective units may be chosen from any award offered by Western Sydney University, provided that unit prerequisites are met and space is available. To fulfil requirements for AAESS accreditation, one of the electives must be a research unit.

Students must possess a Work Cover approved First Aid Certificate prior to enrolment in 400282 - Introduction to Sports Medicine. The nature of the activities carried out in the laboratory classes for this and subsequent units for which this unit is a prerequisite requires a knowledge of first aid in a sport and exercise specific context to ensure safe conduct of activities

Recommended Sequence


Year 1

Autumn Session

400802Professional Practice in Sport and Exercise Science 1
400130Human Medical Sciences 1
400256Human Medical Sciences 2
400148Quantitative Research

Spring Session

400134Human Medical Sciences 3
100678Introduction to Sport Psychology
400322Sociological Aspects of Sport and Exercise
400282Introduction to Sports Medicine

Year 2

Autumn Session

400325Bioenergetics of Exercise
400139Biomechanics and Kinesiology
400324Foundations of Exercise Prescription
400323Physiology of Exercise

Spring Session

400326Exercise Prescription for General Populations
100680Exercise Psychology
100679Motor Control and Learning
400650Professional Practice in Sport and Exercise Science 2

Year 3

Autumn Session

400327Exercise in Musculo-Skeletal Injury Rehabilitation
400328Exercise Prescription for Special Populations
400329Sports Physiology

And one elective

Spring Session

400330Applied Biomechanics of Exercise
400156Practice Management for Health Professionals
400331Sport and Exercise Science in Practice

And one elective

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